Presentation at the Transport Research Arena 2016


The Transport Research Arena Conference represents the most important research event for the sector in Europe bringing together institutional and industry players as well academics and researchers.

The main topic for the 2016 edition was MOVING FORWARD innovative solutions for tomorrow´s mobility. DURABROADS project was represented by KTI, Hungarian partner that leaded the consortium in the evaluation of constrains from road materials and design, construction, maintenance and rehabilitation procedures. The work completed marked the beginning of the research to modify the bituminous binders increasing its resilience and durability.

KTI provided also an overview of the latest activities of the project especially in the optimization of heavy duty asphalt pavements and the new multicriteria decision-making tool MCDT. The technical message for the presentation was focussed in 2 main blocks: detail of climatic & mechanical loads on TEN-T, and optimization of heavy duty asphalt pavements

For further information about this presentation at TRA, please contact László Gáspár: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.